About Me

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I currently am a sophomore at the University of South Alabama. I am from Arkansas and came to the University to play basketball on a full scholarship. I love having a great time with friends and just relaxing. I am always on the go and a very busy person. My family, friends, and god are the most important to me and I don't know what I would do without them.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Wikipedia homework for February 14


Wickipedia is a site that is very hard to be trusted. After reading over everything, I really had a better understanding of how Wickipedia works and why the information isn't true. According to the articles, people go into Wickipedia all the time and change the data. How do we know that the data is true if people can change it and we can't even see where the information came from. Wickipedia does give a lot of information, but I will just have to start checking my information somewhere else to make sure that it is correct.
What I've Learned This Year

I really like what Mr. McClung had to say in his essay. I agree with many of his points and strongly agree with what he said about the importance of communicating and to never stop learning. We as future teachers need to focus on learning and teaching these kids the right information that they will need to know in the future. Without all of those skills that McClung talked about, it would be hard to be successful in teaching.

Comment 4 kids
My kids name was Patty and she did a very good job in your blog by using colors and having a clean layout. She is doing a great job in the classroom and needs to keep up the good work.


  1. Lauren,

    I really enjoyed reading your comments. Wikipedia is not a trusting site to go to for information. I too didn't know who controlled the information on the site. Clearly that can be anybody. I also enjoyed Mr. McClung's post. It was inspiring to me and very helpful information.

  2. "Without all of those skills that McClung talked about, it would be hard to be successful in teaching." I think thats a really insightful way to put it. I completely agree with you, and with Mr. McClung's advice on his blog. Yeah and I'm with you on having check the validity of what I read on Wikipedia from now on.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your comments! I agree with you when you said to check the information that we see in Wikipedia! I can see a reason to be cautious. I liked the advice as well on Mr. McClung's site it was very interesting and he made a lot of excellent points!
